Meet our Pastor
Pastor Dustin Bell

Pastor Dustin and his family recently moved home to Washington state to step in as lead pastor at Montesano AG. Dustin and his wife Rebekah have three children, James, Caleb and Aby. They are great busy bundles of joy and true blessings from God.

The Bell family feels called to Montesano to lead people into the very presence of the One who saves souls, restores relatioships, breaks chains, and binds up the broken hearted. The Bell's hope is that those who do will receive Jesus's good news of salvation. Pastor Dustin's role is to love his community,  provide oversight for the church, guide people to put their trust in Jesus and his teachings in their current context, and equip Jesus followers for ministry.

Pastor Dustin welcomes you to Montesano AG and looks forward to meeting you!

Meet Our Deacons

Chad Gerchak, John Gerchak, Tony Prosch, Rosemary Ferraro

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